5 Essential Gadgets

1: BlackBerry


Some people credit the BlackBerry with letting them get out of the office and spend time with friends and family, while others accuse them of allowing work to infiltrate every moment of free time. Learn about the "push" technology at the center of the device's popularity.
2:Satellite Radio

Sirius has Howard Stern; XM has Snoop Dogg. At one time, the two were competitors, but have since joined in a corporate merger. Because the two systems are incompatible, Sirius XM broadcasts most channels to XM and Sirius subscribers. Both feature more than 100 channels of music, news, sports and entertainment, and are being factory installed in hundreds of new car models. Take a look at Sirius vs. XM to see more about the merged company and learn about its services.

3: Trendy Cell Phones  ­

It's impossible for anyone but the most extreme technophiles and the idle rich to keep up with all of the new cell-phone features and models on an ongoing basis. Let us help. Check out the latest designs and applications with 5 Future Cell Phones.

 4: Digital Cameras  

Not too long ago, you had to wait for your film to be developed before you could see the results of your work. In the digital age, it's snap 'n view. If you want to e-mail pictures to friends, post them on a Web site or do your own editing, digital photography is the way to go. Learn what goes on inside a digital camera and what to look for when buying one with How Digital Cameras Work.

5: Smartphones 

Think of a daily task, any daily task, and it's likely there's a specialized, pocket-sized device designed to help you accomplish it. Unfortunately, you only have so many pockets. A smartphone addresses this issue by handling pretty much everything on its own.  It can make phone calls, keep your calendar and address book, entertain you, play your music, give directions, take pictures, check your e-mail, and do countless other things. Learn what makes a cell phone a smartphone, how the idea came about and what you can do with it with How Smartphones Work.


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